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  • Writer's pictureCharles Spungin

The journey starts before the airport!

So I used to be a frequent traveller and navigated airports at speed. But the pandemic put a stop to all that and this is only my second flight in 2 years.

My adventure began on Friday morning when I went to get a PCR test, as has become the case in such situations. The young lady approached my car with full hazmat suit and mask, and a 68cm swab. Inserted into my nostrils she just kept pushing. It was reminiscent of trying to reach the corner of a King size duvet as she reached into sections of my head that have not seen daylight before. In small Pacific island tribes the intimate encounter would usually mean we were married. Luckily in North London it was purely for research. I then waited the 36 hours it took to check I could travel, packing and repacking, then heading to Heathrow.

And on arrival at the airport it’s a relatively familiar process of check in and then that worrying moment when you find out you’ve over packed and your suitcase weighs more than a small car. Yup. Much the same today. With the added extra layer the Israeli security. How a 20something Army veteran can scare the absolute bejeezus out of a relatively sensible 50yr old still bemuses me.

Anyway you didn’t come to hear about the airport so goodnight. Sleep well. I’ll share more once I get through the other side and you’ll start to hear about the actual trek

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